An 11-year-old’s act of kindness donating food to paramedics in Taranaki


Harry Siber used $40 of his birthday money to buy boxes of snacks for the St John paramedics in Taranaki.


Harry Siber used $40 of his birthday money to buy boxes of snacks for the St John paramedics in Taranaki.

Every year on Harry Siber’s birthday, he gets $40 to give to any charity and this year the 11-year-old’s act of service went to Hato Hone St John.

The young man from New Plymouth reached out to Intensive Care Paramedic Mark Belchamber asking what would help the staff at the stations around Taranaki.

Belchamber said biscuits and snacks would help paramedics on their breaks and so Harry got to work and reached out to Merrilands New World to see how they could help him with his donation.

The supermarket offered to triple what Harry bought and the young man and his mum, Kristy Hicks, arrived at the New Plymouth station with three boxes of snacks to share.

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“I don’t recall anything quite like this happening at the station before,” Belchamber said.

In a show of appreciation Harry got a tour of the station, a ride in a rapid response ute and his blood pressure taken.

Harry’s mum said she was teaching her son the importance of giving back.

“I think it’s important for children to learn about sharing when it comes to birthdays and Christmas. We’ve always donated at Christmas to local organisations like Christmas Shoebox and The Gift.”

“Harry has now learnt to write letters to charities, go shopping for things they need, and contact local business people to make a greater impact on other’s lives.”