6 ways to create an at-home spa experience


Treat yourself to a glow up and bring the white collar spa experience inhouse.


Treat yourself to a glow up and bring the white collar spa experience inhouse.

This article first appeared in The House of Wellness magazine.

 While there’s nothing quite like the blissful indulgence of a pampering spa day, finding the time and the funds to make it happen is becoming increasingly tricky for many of us.

The good news is that with the right products, tools and techniques, you can replicate the full immersive experience in the comfort of your very own bathroom. Set aside an hour at the end of the day to relax, reset and recharge, while catching up on some essential face, body and mind maintenance.

Soak it up

A relaxing bath feels like the first place to start, but if you don’t have one, a steamy shower can be just as effective at quieting your mind, infusing skin with moisture and soothing muscles. Make sure the water isn’t too hot, as this can disrupt your skin’s barrier and sap hydration. Add a nourishing oil, bath bomb or bubbles to your bath, or pop a shower steamer on the floor of your shower. Therapeutic ingredients work to destress and soothe, and they leave a delicious fragrance on your body. Once you’re out, slather limbs with your favourite moisturiser or oil – damp skin drinks up products much more readily than dry.

Set the mood with a relaxing playlist – Spotify has hours of calming Zen-like and ASMR music curated to help you switch off and unwind.


Set the mood with a relaxing playlist – Spotify has hours of calming Zen-like and ASMR music curated to help you switch off and unwind.

Tool time

Facial massage is a fantastic way to improve the health of your skin, as well as release tension after a stressful day, increase blood flow and elasticity, and decrease puffiness. Though nothing can replace the magic fingertips of a qualified skin therapist, you can still achieve great results by taking matters into your own hands. A good place to start is with a gua sha or quartz roller. Working in a facial oil with these cool massage stones is an ancient practice that is equally as welcome in today’s chaotic world. To make it part of your spa experience, apply your favourite oil and then roll or move the tool from the inside of your face outward, using light pressure, in an upwards, lifting motion.

Hair repair

Take this interruption-free time to apply a hair mask. While masks can feel more like a hassle than a help, stylists highly recommend using one weekly. Colour, hot tools and the elements can cause hair to become dry, damaged and generally distressed, so infusing it with a targeted, concentrated dose of nutrients helps to strengthen, repair and deeply hydrate it.

Mask the issue

The same philosophy goes for face masks. A weekly mask is an excellent way to complement and elevate your daily skincare regime – in-clinic treatments almost always include some kind of mask element. Good formulations assist with skin hydration, refine pores, detoxify, tighten, and even out tone. Sheet masks are an easy, hassle-free option to pop on while you relax in your bathroom, or choose a cream formulation best suited to your needs, making sure to remove it with lukewarm water and a soft cloth afterwards. If you have several skin concerns, don’t be afraid to multi-mask. For example, apply a clarifying clay mask to your T-zone if it’s oily and congested, then a hydrating formulation to the rest of your face to combat dryness and sensitivity.

There are even some scents that can literally trigger a relaxation response. Look for those that include notes of ylang-ylang, which is known for its relaxing properties.


There are even some scents that can literally trigger a relaxation response. Look for those that include notes of ylang-ylang, which is known for its relaxing properties.


While the flickering light of a candle helps to create a moody, inviting ambiance, a specific fragrance can also significantly enhance the overall experience. Plus, there are even some scents that can literally trigger a relaxation response. Look for those that include notes of ylang-ylang, which is known for its relaxing properties. The pure essential oil of these flowers is said to aid with the relief of stress and anxiety, which makes it perfect for bath-time rituals. As well as smelling delicious, rose helps to ground and centre you, while tried and true lavender is renowned for its ability to relax the body and mind. There is a scented candle available to suit all tastes and budgets these days, so it’s a matter of selecting one that works best for you.

Listen in

Set the mood with a relaxing playlist – Spotify has hours of calming Zen-like and ASMR music curated to help you switch off and unwind. You could also listen to that gripping audiobook or informative podcast you’ve been meaning to catch up on. If you’re struggling to quieten a racing mind or are consumed by worry, try downloading a meditation app. Smiling Mind is free and has been developed by psychologists and educators to help bring mindfulness and meditation to the masses. There are many different programmes available to assist you to better manage the pressures and challenges of our busy, modern lives.